How to care for money plant?

The most frequent plant found in home gardens and kept indoors in a water container is the money plant, or pothos, scientifically known as Epipremnum Aureum. It is called a money plant because it is believed to bring prosperity and good fortune to you. Whatever the case, superstitions apart, this is a NASA-recommended air purification facility. The money plant is an excellent natural air purifier for your house.
Money plant is also known as pothos it is found in different varieties and colors with different names like golden pothos, Ceylon creeper, hunter’s robe, ivy arum, silvervine, marble queen, devil’s vine or devil’s ivy, and so on. People who like gardening and/or maintaining a few plants in their houses or workplaces are aware of the value of a money plant. Or if you want to start gardening, starting with a money plant is a good start. Money plant is a low-maintenance, fuss-free plant in terms of sunshine, water requirements, and care, but it does not imply it doesn’t need any. Due to their low maintenance requirements and gorgeous foliage, they are common houseplants. The heart-shaped leaves can range in color from green to variegated patterns with yellow or white spots. Planting and caring for a money plant is quite easy Its leaves can reach lengths of many feet and are generally green with variegated patterns. A money plant is a beautiful addition that is perfect for tiny areas to your house, home office, workplace, or reception area as a dazzling flash of color.
I’m going to share about money plant growing tips for growing money plants healthy and bushy. Money plants can easily be grown in pots, containers, and indoors, and outdoors Taking care of money plants is easy.
How to care for the money plant is the most frequently asked question, so let’s start there. Just continue reading.

Pot Size

If you’re wondering how to start a money plant, read on. Well! That’s simple. The size of the container mostly relies on the size of the plant you want to maintain indoors. The smallest size should be an 8-inch pot, but if you intend to maintain the plant permanently, it is best to use a larger one because tiny bowls or containers will limit the plant’s development.


Although money plants can tolerate some dryness, they prefer constant watering. When the top inch of soil seems dry to the touch, water your plant. Depending on the humidity and temperature in your Area. Water your plant, though, as soon as the soil begins to break. By feeling the Soil, you can determine when your plant needs watering. It’s time to water if it is fully dry. You may get away with spraying the leaves just throughout the winter and watering only every two to three weeks. Make cautious not to flood your money plant when watering it. Of course, your plant may require more regular watering if it is receiving more light.
Morning is the ideal time to water your money plant since the plant can absorb the water before evaporation occurs due to the heat of the day. Avoid overwatering your plants because doing so might lead to root rot. If you notice that your money plant leaves turn yellow might indicate that you’ve overwatered your plant.

Requirements for soil

Well-drained soil is preferred by money plants. You can grow your plant successfully in a blend of river sand and regular potting soil, or you can use potting soil with a high pearlite concentration.
A good potting mix should have good drainage and be light and fluffy. Vermiculite and cocopeat together is a fantastic solution for this. It facilitates good drainage, which permits aeration of the plants, and the addition of compost or fertilizer promotes plant growth.
The ideal potting soil for money plants is peat-based, well-draining soil. The roots of the plant may obtain the water they require without running the danger of developing root rot since this sort of soil maintains moisture without becoming saturated.


This is another essential step to do while caring for money plants. Bright indirect sunshine and somewhat shaded places are ideal for money plant growth. On the other hand, too much or too little sunshine can cause the leaves to wilt and become yellow. So, for a happy, healthy money plant, choose a shaded yet bright location both indoors and outside. Additionally, you may benefit your plant by routinely rotating it for equal lighting. Your plant will thus develop better if you place it near a window and rotate it frequently for even light distribution.
Money trees are excellent for office settings and other interior places since they can survive in fluorescent illumination as well.

Light Requirements

Although a money plant enjoys low light levels, it can live in high temperatures. However, one must take care to prevent it from coming into contact with the direct hot sun since this would burn the leaves. If the leaves start to droop or lose their variegation, consider relocating the plant to a more sunny spot.
You may add artificial illumination, such as fluorescent or LED grow lights, to your home if it doesn’t have enough natural light. Make sure the light source is positioned above the plant, simulating the direction that sunlight naturally faces, and that it provides 12–14 hours of light each day.


At first glance, if you take care of the soil, water, and good sunshine offered to the money plant, you won’t need any fertilizers. It is sufficient to water the plant once a month while feeding it fertilizer.
Since money plants don’t require much food, using fertilizer once a month would be ideal. The best fertilizer would be a composted fertilizer that releases nutrients gradually over a month, feeding the plant. Make sure the soil is wet before applying, and only use the recommended amount as directed by the manufacturer. Winter is not the time to fertilize the money plant. The most crucial thing to keep in mind is that you should only apply fertilizer at night because doing so during the day might cause the roots to burn

Do Money Plants Need Pruning?

Yes, To encourage growth you should do pruning. We advise cutting off undesirable branches early in the growth season. To enable the money plant to focus its energy on new development, make each incision directly above the leaf node. Do not forget that your plant needs steady, indirect light to provide the energy needed to produce new branches and leaves. Dead branches and leaves can also be removed from trees through pruning. Your money plant will get bushier and heavier if the ends are clipped to encourage side growth. Use sharp, clean scissors or pruning shears for the greatest results; however, make sure to wipe them off in between cuts.
You may even trim your money plants to promote particular forms. Although money plants are often cultivated with a spherical top, you may let yours grow whatever it wants and just remove any dead or decaying branches and leaves. Lastly, you have the option of pruning your money plant to keep it tiny or leaving it alone to grow larger. Everything is a question of preference!


When you see that your money plant is growing too big for its pot, you may re-pot it in a bigger container. Your money plant needs to be repotted. Some types have a rapid rate of growth and may soon exceed their container. When repotting, it’s crucial to pick a container whose diameter matches the width of your plant’s leaf. Small pots may limit your plant’s ability to develop in the future, therefore bigger, heavier pots are better. To keep your plant healthy during repotting, it’s also crucial to maintain a constant soil combination.

It is an excellent present for any occasion and its glossy green leaves offer the ideal splash of green to your house or yard. No doubt money plants are a great option for beginners.
We hope you follow these instructions and make sure that your money plant stays strong and keeps growing.

if you’re interesting in gardening kindly checkout our latest article about How to Start Gardening

Happy Gardening 🙂

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Money Plant Care Guide